Let's make weird websites

under construction

This is a little starter site you can use to make new websites, customized for Weird Web October.

It's got a few things to help you enjoy WWO.

  1. A feed of Weird Web October Sites! These are powered by Octothorpes. (Octothorpes are hashtags you can put on any website. There's instructions for putting them on your site on the WWO site).This page shows all the sites that are using the weirdweboctober octothrope by default, and has a list of all the themes for the month that you can filter by.
  2. Play.html built in! This is a great library made by Spencer Chang. Check out the Nature post to see it in action. If you edit or that post in glitch, you'll see a comment explaining how to use it. (Basically just link to pictures you like and blammo.)
  3. It's a static site generator powered by 11ty Eleventy. It was remixed from glitch-hello-eleventy. Check out that link for tips on using 11ty if you need an intro.
  4. By default, it will add the #weirdweboctober octothorpe to any pages you make. You can add more octothorpes by adding them to the front matter like this:
layout: layouts/post
title: My cool post
	- hummingbirds
	- friends
	- blogs

  1. If you don't feel like using this site to make your weird websites, you can use this form to generate the code you need to octothorpe any other page you make.

Hit remix

One click, and you get your own site.

Remix on Glitch